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We have an amazing team of support staff who are hugely committed to This Is Us. This company could not run without the support of these wonderful people. The company itself is co-directed by Jan Cockburn, Hannah Rotchell and Peter McLoughlin. We are also proud to provide opportunities for some of our older dancers to act in a senior role as Choreographic Assistants too!


If you know of a young person who would like to get involved in our company whether it is as a dancer or a DofE volunteer, visit the contact page to make an enquiry. 

Support Staff
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Jan is a teaching assistant supporting children with different needs in a mainstream primary school. 

"I came across more and more families who struggled to find extra curricular clubs for their children, dance specifically was particularly hard. To have a company that has helped fill this void, since 2016, is a joy to be a part of.”

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Hannah is a professional dancer and choreographer who has worked in a number of inclusive settings through performance and as a facilitator. As a dancer herself she knew how important it was for these children to experience the beauty of the arts.


“I am hugely passionate about the positive affects dance can have on all - therefore, my classes focus on the joy of movement and expression. It is not about how the steps “should look”, but how they feel. Our classes are there to build confidence and social skills of an individual.”

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Peter is a parent of one of the This Is Us dancers and supports the importance of creative dance for all.


"My daughter has been a member of the company from day one.  I’ve seen first hand the enjoyment, the teamwork, the achievements and the huge confidence boost that This Is Us can provide – so I’m a passionate advocate and cheerleader.

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